Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Herbs and Aphrodisiacs essays

Herbs and Aphrodisiacs essays For centuries, men and women have actively sought after intimacy and sensuality to share with one another. Through the desire to please oneself and ones partner, people continue to seek after drugs and techniques that may enhance their sex lives. Both natural and man-made substances have been found to serve as aphrodisiacs. Among these herbs and substances there are a variety of practices, which may be performed in order to stimulate both the body and mind. Through our five senses, humans are continuously turned on and off when encountering everyday smells, tastes, sounds, fabrics, and visions. These aphrodisiacs are used as both an enhancement of ones sex life and as an emotional turn on. The definition of an aphrodisiac, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is an exciting sexual desire or activity, named after the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. According to Theresa Crenshaw, ...love, however you define it, seems to be the best aphrodisiac of all. Everyones definition of love is different. What turns one on varies amongst each individual. An aphrodisiac can be found in an endless number of forms. Sexual arousal comes from physical, emotional, and even imaginable stimulation. A number of surveys have been conducted in order to research and study the sexual practices of our humanity. From my own personal experience and observation, I have had the pleasure of personally surveying and organizing discussions with groups of men and women about aphrodisiacs. Females tended to lean more toward their emotional side. Women, especially, need to feel confident and emotionally secure in order to feel fully sexually aroused. All of my girl friends are more physically satisfied when they are emotionally satisfied. Therefore, their turn-ons include romantic gestures and loyal dedication as primary stimulation. Then, they look toward the lips and the hands and the body language. Her pa...

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